Although rain is a gift of nature, it can also be a destructive force. If the rainwater run-off from your roof isn't directed away from your home, it can result in a flooding issue and cause significant water damage to the building, too.

Installing a rain gutter system will ensure fast and efficient drainage of the rainwater that falls on your residential roof. Gutters are the horizontal troughs that run along the base or edges of a roof. Their primary purpose is to collect rainwater as it runs off the surface of the roof. They feature vertical pipes called downspouts. It's the downspouts that carry rain down from the roof and away from the foundation of the building. 

If you're in the market for a gutter system for your home, it's important to research your options. Although on the expensive side, metal gutters are a preferred choice for many modern homeowners across Australia.

Read along to discover the various advantages that metal gutter systems can deliver when installed in your home.

They come in a variety of material options

Although metal gutters are made from various types of materials, steel and aluminium are the most common. Each material option has specific physical, mechanical and chemical properties that impact its suitability for use in certain rainwater drainage applications.

For example, steel is an incredibly sturdy metal that can withstand the weight of the water from your roof. This quality makes it an excellent choice for homes located in regions that receive heavy rainfall across the year. On the downside, steel's susceptibility to corrosion may make it an unsuitable choice for coastal homes.

If you live in a coastal region, you may be better off choosing aluminium over steel due to its superior resistance to the airborne salts that expedite corrosion of steel gutters.

They are designed to last 

While the durability of metal gutters can vary greatly depending on the material used to manufacture them, metals generally outlast their wood and vinyl alternatives, which cannot always be repaired when they get damaged.

If you're looking for a rain gutter option that will make financial sense to you over the long term, you can't go wrong with metal gutters.

No matter which type of rain gutters you choose for your home, proper installation is key to reaping maximum returns on investment. For assistance with your residential gutter installation project, contact a local professional.
