There are several reasons why a garage door might end up broken and in need of repair. Here are two very common mistakes that could result in you having to get this part of your property fixed. 

1. Opening and closing it too aggressively

Taking an aggressive approach to opening and closing your garage door could easily result in it being damaged and you then having to seek out the help of a garage door repairs professional. For example, if your garage door features a handle and you routinely pull on this too forcefully, the handle may eventually break or detach, in which case you would have to have to buy a replacement and have it reattached by a repair person. Similarly, if you have a roller or side-hung sliding garage door that is laid on a track and you open or close it in a very aggressive manner on a regular basis, it is very likely that you will eventually end up breaking it.

The reason for this is that this forceful method of opening and closing it can cause this type of garage door to come off its track. If this happens, the door's alignment will be incorrect (it might, for example, be misaligned in such a way that the bottom of the door is no longer parallel to the ground but is instead tilted at an angle). Any attempt to close or open the door when it is in this position is likely to result in one side of the door scraping against the wall that is closest to and sustaining scratches or cracks.

2. Failing to dry the rain-soaked ground near the base of the door during the winter months

If it rains during the winter months and you allow the rainwater to pool on the ground near the base of your garage door, this could lead to the door breaking. The reason for this is that if this rainwater is not soaked up with a mop or some rags, and the temperatures fall below freezing whilst the garage door is closed and is contact with this fluid, the water could freeze and the door could end up stuck to the ground. If you try to force the door open when the bottom of it is stuck in the frozen water, there is a good chance that you will break the door's handle or that the base of it will sustain damage during this process.

As such, it's important to ensure that any rainwater that lands near your garage door during this season is mopped up quickly.
