If you're interested in starting a business on the coast, a marina is one of the most profitable choice. From charging docking fees to selling supplies to offering entertainment and dining, a marina can bring in a lot of revenue with a relatively low amount of involvement. However, if you're looking to build a marina in a location that's frequently hit by storms or heavy rain and wind, you may be wondering how to ensure your dock will stand up to adverse weather conditions.

Thankfully, with some careful consideration, it's not too difficult to build a storm-resistant marina. Here are 3 tips to keep in mind before you start your marina construction.

Opt for a Floating Marina

In many situations, a fixed marina is the best choice. For example, they're better suited to shallow water and low tidal fluctuations. But if you want your docks to be storm-resistant, it's best that you opt for a floating marina. As the name suggests, these docks float on the surface of the water, rising and falling as the water level does. This gives them the flexibility they need to handle the impact of a storm, unlike fixed docks. It also ensures that the marina won't be submerged if a storm causes the sea level to rise, preserving the integrity of the materials and protecting electrical equipment on the docks from shorting.

Only Use High Quality Materials

You may think it goes without saying, but it's crucial that you use high-quality materials if you want your marina to be storm-resistant. Some people mistakenly believe that it's best to use cheap materials because they're less expensive to replace if they become damaged by weather. However, nowadays, there are materials on the market that are strong enough to stand up to very strong storms without breaking, eliminating the need for replacements. In general, you should look at options like concrete (and concrete-coated polystyrene), aluminium, and even PVC rather than the traditional timber.  These build materials are more impact-resistant and long-lasting than other choices.

Hire Reputable Marina Builders

Even the best materials will make no difference if you don't use a reputable marina construction company. Your marina's ability to stand up to harsh weather conditions will depend on whether it was built using thorough, high-quality designs and processes. Make sure you look for a team who are experienced in design and engineering, accredited by a marine organisation, and trained in quality assurance.
